Our Services

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Our Services

What is a business consultant and how can they impact my business?


A business consultant is an individual who works closely with business owners and managers improving operations, growing their businesses, and maintaining existing positive trends.
  • Identify obstacles preventing growth or efficiency
  • ‌Pinpoint opportunities for change and help implement changes
  • Bring out-of-the-box ideas or establish workflows
  • Assist in business planning and creating new businesses
  • Analyze a company’s budget, suggest adjustments, and implement suggestions
  • Locate vendors and partners

The most common forms of business are the LLC, PLLC, sole proprietorship, partnership, non-profit C-Corp, & S-Corp.

What do we offer?

  •  Business Formation Consulting  
  •  Business Financial Literacy
  •  Proper Business Tax Preparation
  •  Business Credit Establishment
  •  Governmental Contract Assistance
  •  Grant Research and Establishment